Book: BL Harley MS 5242 (Chansonnier of Françoise de Foix)

Created 1509-1514


Format: Parchment, musical notation


  • Chansonnier
  • Ownership Details

    Charles III of Bourbon, Ownership Possible (c. 1509) by Patron.

    Francoise of Foix, countess of Châteaubriant, Ownership Confirmed (post-1509-1537?) by Other.


    Garrigues, Véronique. "Les Clairs-obscurs de Françoise de Foix, dame de Châteaubriant (1494?-1537): Revisiter l'historiographie d'une favorite royale," in Femmes à la cour de France: Charge et fonctions (XVe-XIXe siècle), ed. Caroline Zum Kolk and Kathleen Wilson-Chevalier (Villeneuve d'Ascq, 2018), 321-37.: 323

    Kaplan, S.C. Women's Libraries in Late Medieval Bourbonnais, Burgundy, and France: A Family Affair (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2022).: 172-73, 199, 299

    Meconi, Honey. "Power, Prestige, and Polyphony: The Use of Parchment in Music Manuscripts c. 1450-1600," in Sources of Identity: Makers, Owners, and Users of Music Sources before 1600, ed. Lisa Colton and Tom Shephard (Turnhout: Brepols, 2017), 169-208.: 192